Chakma song : How many kinds of songs in Chakma Community ?
The songs are called GHEET in Chakma language . 1. Gyangkulee ( historical , religious) 2. Tengabanga (short but deep meaningful) 3. Ubhogheet ( Romantic , Loves ,Sad ). 4. Oligheet ( Lori song for babies ). 5. Bizugheet ( Bizu Festival songs ). 6. Dharma geet (dhamma song) . 7. Eruk Geet ( modern song ) 1. Gyangkulee songs are related to history and religion . This songs are most important as its related to our past Historical and religious incidents . 2. Tengabanga Gheet also called Joragheet , its like shayaris and ghazals. For example Gash seni baagolee, manuj seni akkoley . (Trees are know by skin , Mans are know by manner). 3. Ubhogheet - Romantic and Loves songs are not allowed to sung in public . There are lustful loves songs and its punishable if it's sung front of Elders Garbha Khudum (guests) .Love song are usually sung by young boys and girls while they're with friends only or while collecting Vegetables in Jungle's or abandoned Jh...